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联合国儿童基金会东亚及太平洋地区办事处与澳大利亚迪肯大学预防性健康和营养全球中心(GLOBE)合作开展了一个为期三年的项目(RESHAPE),旨在帮助儿童实现获得充足营养的权利,并增加在城市零售环境中获得更健康食品的机会。 RESHAPE 是一项自 2021 年起由 Pictet 集团基金会支持的倡议。

RESHAPE 计划的重点是印度尼西亚、菲律宾、泰国和中国成都市,涉及以下活动

  • 一系列
    将对四个重点国家的食品零售环境的各个方面进行摸底调查。 这将包括利用商业数据库对零售趋势进行分析、店内评估以及对生活在各国的青少年和照顾者进行社区调查。
  • 建立一个由多个合作伙伴组成的网络,这些合作伙伴对改善本地区及其他地区的食品零售环境有着共同的兴趣。
  • 通过将以行动为导向的研究成果转化为针对国家政府和/或地方当局的明确政策信息,倡导以证据为基础的政策。
  • 与选定的食品零售商合作,测试旨在鼓励更健康零售环境的创新干预措施。


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Protecting children’s right to nutritious foods, healthy food environments and food practices: The Role of Food Retailers in East Asia and Pacific report

UNICEF | November 2023

Promoting healthy choices while ensuring business sustainability – Case Study Template brochure

Deakin University & UNICEF | November, 2023

Investigating Caregivers’ Food-Related Behaviours – survey findings from three countries in East Asia report

Deakin University and UNICEF | November, 2023

Investigating Adolescents’ Food-Related Behaviours – survey findings from three countries in East Asia report

Deakin University and UNICEF | November, 2023

Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Thailand report

Deakin University and UNICEF | March, 2023

Mapping analysis of the food retail market in China report

Deakin University and UNICEF | March, 2023

Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Philippines report

Deakin University and UNICEF | March, 2023

Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Indonesia report

Deakin University and UNICEF | March, 2023

Promoting healthy choices while ensuring business sustainability brochure

Deakin University | February, 2023

Food retail changes in China and options for action evidence-brief

Deakin University and UNICEF | January, 2023

Food retail changes in Thailand and options for action evidence-brief

Deakin University and UNICEF | January, 2023

Food retail changes in the Philippines and options for action evidence-brief

Deakin University and UNICEF | January, 2023

Food retail changes in Indonesia and options for action evidence-brief

Deakin University and UNICEF | January, 2023

Unhealthy Food Marketing to Children video

UNICEF | November, 2021

A Proposed Research Agenda for Promoting Healthy Retail Food Environments in the East Asia-Pacific Region research-paper

Cameron et al | October 2021

Developing a research agenda to support improvement in the healthiness of urban retail food environments in the East Asia and Pacific Region report

Deakin University, Vic Health and UNICEF | October, 2020

Healthier stores = Healthier children infographic

Phulkerd et al | April, 2021



有兴趣了解如何为亚太地区所有儿童提供更健康的食品环境? 无论您是零售商、决策者、研究人员还是倡导者,我们都为您提供了参与和支持更健康食品环境发展的建议。
