Quick Guide for a Healthy Checkouts Policy brochure
Deakin University & UNICEF | May, 2024
Protecting children’s right to nutritious foods, healthy food environments and food practices: The Role of Food Retailers in East Asia and Pacific report
| November 2023
Lingkungan ritel makanan yang sehat Indonesia: lebih baik untuk bisnis, terbaik untuk anak-anak evidence-brief
UNICEF Indonesia
| December, 2023
Healthy retail food environments in Indonesia: better for business, best for children evidence-brief
UNICEF Indonesia
| December, 2023
Promoting healthy choices while ensuring business sustainability – Case Study Template brochure
Deakin University & UNICEF
| November, 2023
The Snapshot Series: Retail Initiatives from around the World infographic
Deakin University & UNICEF
| November, 2023
Investigating Caregivers’ Food-Related Behaviours – survey findings from three countries in East Asia report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| November, 2023
Investigating Adolescents’ Food-Related Behaviours – survey findings from three countries in East Asia report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| November, 2023
Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Thailand report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| March, 2023
Mapping analysis of the food retail market in China report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| March, 2023
Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Philippines report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| March, 2023
Mapping analysis of the food retail market in Indonesia report
Deakin University and UNICEF
| March, 2023
Promoting healthy choices while ensuring business sustainability brochure
Deakin University
| February, 2023
6 Actions for Healthier Retail Food Environments video
Deakin University
| January, 2023
Understanding the Children Retail Food Environment in East Asia and Pacific video
Deakin University
| January, 2023
Food retail changes in China and options for action evidence-brief
Deakin University and UNICEF
| January, 2023
Food retail changes in Thailand and options for action evidence-brief
Deakin University and UNICEF
| January, 2023
Food retail changes in the Philippines and options for action evidence-brief
Deakin University and UNICEF
| January, 2023
Food retail changes in Indonesia and options for action evidence-brief
Deakin University and UNICEF
| January, 2023
Anak-Anak Terpapar Pemasaran Makanan Minuman Tidak Sehat (Bahasa version) video
| March, 2022
Akibat dari Mudahnya Anak-Anak Mendapatkan Makanan Minuman Tidak Sehat (Bahasa version) video
| March, 2022
Identifying Opportunities for Strategic Policy Design to Address the Double Burden of Malnutrition through Healthier Retail Food: Protocol for South East Asia Obesogenic Food Environment (SEAOFE) Study research-paper
| January, 2022
Unhealthy Food Marketing to Children video
| November, 2021
A Proposed Research Agenda for Promoting Healthy Retail Food Environments in the East Asia-Pacific Region research-paper
Cameron et al
| October 2021
Why are retail food environments important? (English version) video
| July, 2021
Developing a research agenda to support improvement in the healthiness of urban retail food environments in the East Asia and Pacific Region report
Deakin University, Vic Health and UNICEF
| October, 2020