



  1. 通过选择可供销售的食品范围。
  2. 决定食品的摆放位置。
  3. 通过设定食品价格,决定哪些产品可以进行价格促销(如打七折)。
  4. 利用促销策略宣传特定食品。

为了启发并提出改善食品零售环境健康状况的解决方案,我们整理了世界各地利用这四种方法或这四种方法的组合实施的倡议实例。 我们希望,通过为这一领域的工作(主要是志愿性的)提供一个中心枢纽,能够激励东亚和太平洋地区的零售商、研究人员和政策制定者采取行动,改善他们自己的食品环境。 此外,应当指出的是,除非有明确说明,否则各项倡议都没有经过独立评估,因此无法对结果进行核实。



免责声明:本网站提及的特定公司及其食品零售计划并不意味着联合国儿童基金会或迪肯大学对其表示认可。 提供的示例仅供教育之用,联合国儿童基金会和迪肯大学无法确认第三方提供的信息的准确性。




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List of healthy retail inititatives

Retail Innovations with Street Food Vendors

Healthy Retail Program in New York City

North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program

Healthy Food Corners for Children in South Korea

Price Incentives on Fruit and Vegetables

Shop healthy with New York City Retailers

New York City Healthy Bodegas Initiative

Fruit and vegetable promotion in Norway

Checkout & End of Aisles Changes in a large Australian retailer

‘Plan for Better’ Strategy by British Supermarket Chain Retailer

UK Supermarket Healthy Checkout Policy

UK Retailer Commits to Support Healthy Diets

Multicomponent Trial in Australian Supermarkets

Healthier Food for Less in American Supermarkets

Healthy Checkouts in Dutch Supermarket Chain

Multiple options for encouraging healthier purchases in UK

Healthier store layouts – good for health and business

City of Berkeley Healthy Checkout Regulations

Healthy Food Strategy in Australian Rural Community Stores

B’More Healthy Retail initiative for food stores in Baltimore

Nudging healthier choices in the Netherlands

Healthy Store Options at Remote Indigenous Communities

Healthy Eating for Life Supermarket Initiative

The Supermarket Healthy Options Project in New Zealand

Healthy Retail in US Tribally Owned Convenience Stores

Sugar Sweetened Beverage Price Increase in Australian Stores

Voluntary Nutrition Labelling in Canadian Supermarkets

Guiding Healthier Food and Beverage Choices in US

In-Store Marketing Strategies to Promote Healthier Purchases

Belgian retailer discounts healthy foods in loyalty program

UK Supermarket supports healthy eating

UK Discount Supermarket takes action to support healthy diets

Price parity pledge by Supermarket Retailer in the UK

British retailer restricts marketing of unhealthy food to children

Healthy Corner Store Initiative in the USA

New Zealand Retailer resets their health and nutrition targets

Indonesian retailer adopts sugar labelling for beverages


有兴趣了解如何为亚太地区所有儿童提供更健康的食品环境? 无论您是零售商、决策者、研究人员还是倡导者,我们都为您提供了参与和支持更健康食品环境发展的建议。
